
Garden Diary - November 2022

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UPCOMING: a talk at Kingwood Feed & Mercantile
on Route 12 in Frenchtown on Saturday, December 10th at 9:30 a.m.
about feeding native backyard birds , presented by Blue Seal Feeds
Attendees will receive a 15% off coupon and also a free suet cake.

Kingwood Feed & Mercantile is located at 889B Route 12 in Frenchtown New Jersey 08825.
They carry farm feed & supplies, pet food & supplies, wild bird seed and feeders, and more.

Formerly the Delaware Valley Farm and Feed, while still offering feed for a diversity of farm animals and household pets, as well as changing the name to Kingwood Feed & Mercantile the new owners have made major changes with a fresh, upmarket appearance and a new range of items such as candles and more. But today I am looking for wild bird supplies. Let's wander over

where the sign announces for the Birds with shelves, a well piled table,

and stacks of sacks of bird seed.

I myself do not have horses, cows, sheep or other livestock but I have friends who do.
And many seem to use Blue Seal Feed for their animals. It turns out that the company
also offers a variety of seed blends for a wide variety of birds as well as non-blended

sunflower seed (both black oil and striped) in 20- and 40-pound bags.

They have a small complimentary pamphlet that equally offers some
information for backyard birders and touts their various seed blends.

So consider marking your calendar on Saturday, December 10th at 9:30 a.m.
for the presentation by Blue Seal about feeding native backyard birds.

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